VW Title Banner Plugin


If you are interested in adding the banner images, you check VW Title Banner Plugin. Its main speciality is that it permits user the addition of banner image on post, custom post or any page. This particular plugin has four options with a difference. Some of these are file uploading option or the display title option. When you do not choose the option and select no file, then the title gets displayed in a default way. When you upload file by default, title gets displayed over banner image. With this plugin, you hide the title in case you are not interested in displaying it on page. If you click the respective option, you can display title below banner page. With VW Title Banner Plugin, you can choose and set image in an easy manner. This is a responsive plugin that helps to display dynamic banner image with perfect title positioning. This is maintained and developed by experts and provides touch of a difference when it comes to web pages. With this plugin, you have the choice to remove available title options as well. You can also alter both image and background colour. You can customize the title in the areas like colour, alignment and font size.
You can use shortcode for VW Title Banner plugin.
Shortcodes anywhere inside content
Shortcode inside .php file for theme
<?php echo do_shortcode( ‘[vw-title-banner]’ ) ?>

Key Features
Add both image and background colour for title banner.
Fixed or Scroll the title banner background image.
Easy customizing option.
Custom background and font color option.
Custom alignments and styles for title.
Cross-browser compatible and responsive designs.
No coding knowledge or experience required.




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Premium Theme Features

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